Monday, June 20, 2005

Herodeon Posted by Hello

Acropolis from Byron Street Posted by Hello

Acropolis from Areopagus Posted by Hello

Acropolis Posted by Hello

Hephaisteion Posted by Hello

Agora Posted by Hello

Dr. Levine beside a Corinthian column capital, with Hephaisteion in the background Posted by Hello

Hephaisteion Posted by Hello

Hephaisteion Posted by Hello

Hephaisteion Posted by Hello

Stoa Posted by Hello

Theater of Dionysus Posted by Hello

Areopagus Posted by Hello

Parthenon Posted by Hello

Parthenon Posted by Hello

Parthenon Posted by Hello

I'm in front of the Parthenon. Posted by Hello

Herodeon Posted by Hello

Erechtheion Posted by Hello

Temple of Olympian Zeus Posted by Hello

Dr. Levine reads a cool inscription on the Acropolis. Posted by Hello

Evin takes the first throw in the Olympic Broom Toss. Posted by Hello

Sarah hurls it. Posted by Hello

Kelly - enthusiastically! - launches it. Posted by Hello

I take my turn (photo credits to Evin). Posted by Hello